It was a beautiful day in Ocean Park so we completely understand if you were enjoying the beach a little too much and missed Techie Tuesday #2; Capturing and Sharing Your Life with Technology on February 20th.
We learned about the many different platforms for storing your photos and data for your own use or to share with others and how to maximize your access to those photos through editing metadata.
I explained and provided links to different platforms for sharing your personal stories that are outside the traditional social media platforms.
Most importantly we learned about how to determine your capture process keeping your end goal in mind by answering 5W1H questions with the provided template.
If you join us for the rest of the classes, you’ll get access to the PDF information provided in all the classes via a password protected link!
As a bonus, I’m extending my “Share the love” February special all the way until the next class coming up in March.
Click here for the March Class Share the Love Two Classmates One Time Special!
Click here for the Share the Love All Year Special!
Join us in March for Techie Tuesday #3; Password Management and Digital Vault Services on 3/19/24 at 1pm at the Peninsula Senior Activity Center in Ocean Park.
Stop letting your passwords rule your life and start taking control! Having the same passwords for all your sites isn’t safe, but managing dozens of different passwords can be too difficult, or is it? We’ll explore applications and methods for creating and storing secure passwords. I’ll share the many password storage options and how they’ve evolved and grown over the years.
We’re also going to tip toe into securely storing other critical information like credit cards, safe codes, passport data and more!
I look forward to seeing you all there!
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