The Modem Lisa Background

Techie Tuesdays; Technology classes to enhance your life!

Each week we’ll be discussing technology topics that will enhance your life and empower you with the knowledge to get the most out of computers, software, mobile and other devices and online services.

Registration is encouraged to make sure we have enough space available each week. You can sign up for specific classes or sign up for the entire year! Each class from Feb-Dec is $30, or if you sign up for more than two classes each class is only $20! Use the links below or call (216) 551-3365 to register today!

8/20/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Step into the future of living! Join us to explore the wonders of smart home technology and its potential to transform your daily life.

Introduction to Smart Home Devices:
Understanding the range of smart home devices available
Exploring devices for security, comfort, and efficiency
Discussing the benefits of a connected smart home ecosystem

Integration and Automation:
Connecting and integrating various smart devices
Creating automation routines for convenience
Exploring voice assistants and their role in smart homes

Privacy and Security in Smart Homes:
Implementing security measures for smart home devices
Understanding data privacy concerns and best practices
Safeguarding smart home networks from potential threats

This month’s handout is filled with insights into diverse smart home devices, integration methods, and crucial security considerations. Explore the potential of smart home technology to elevate your lifestyle while understanding and addressing privacy and security aspects effectively.

9/17/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Master the art of social media! Join us to discover effective ways to utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube while prioritizing safety and engagement.

Understanding Social Media Platforms:
Exploring the purposes and functionalities of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
Navigating interface features for optimal usage
Discussing the benefits and drawbacks of each platform

Creating Engaging Content:
Crafting compelling posts and stories tailored for each platform
Utilizing visuals and multimedia effectively
Building an authentic online presence across different platforms

Privacy and Security on Social Media:
Managing privacy settings specific to Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
Recognizing and avoiding common social media scams prevalent on these platforms
Implementing best practices for online safety and data protection across different social media channels

Take home an insightful handout detailing strategies for effective usage of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Gain valuable insights into content creation, engagement, and security practices tailored for each platform to enhance your social media experience.

10/15/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Discover the intersection of technology and sustainability! Join us to explore practical eco-friendly tech solutions for a greener lifestyle.

Understanding Eco-Friendly Tech:
Exploring innovations in renewable energy tech
Understanding sustainable materials and manufacturing processes
Discussing the impact of tech on environmental conservation

Practical Applications at Home:
Exploring eco-friendly gadgets for energy conservation
Implementing smart home devices for eco-conscious living
Understanding recycling and waste management apps and tools

Tech for Sustainable Living:
Exploring transportation solutions for reduced carbon footprint
Understanding apps promoting sustainable consumption habits

Discussing the role of tech in fostering environmental awareness and activism
At the end you’ll have an insightful handout detailing practical eco-friendly tech solutions and their applications. Gain a deeper understanding of sustainable tech innovations, eco-conscious living gadgets, and tools promoting environmentally friendly practices for a greener future.

11/19/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Empower yourself with digital know-how! Join us to explore essential troubleshooting techniques and practices for maintaining a healthy digital presence.

Common Tech Issues and Solutions:
Identifying and resolving common device and software problems
Troubleshooting connectivity issues
Understanding error messages and basic fixes

Digital Cleanliness and Security:
Implementing digital hygiene practices
Managing digital clutter and organizing files
Understanding the importance of regular software updates and system maintenance

Online Safety and Data Protection:
Recognizing potential security threats and online scams
Implementing strong password practices
Backing up data securely and understanding data protection measures

Take home a valuable handout detailing essential troubleshooting techniques, digital hygiene practices, and tips for enhancing online safety. Gain insights into resolving common tech issues, maintaining a clutter-free digital environment, and safeguarding your digital presence effectively.

12/17/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Capture moments, share memories! Join us to explore the art of digital photography and effective ways to share and cherish your captured moments.

Photography Basics:
Understanding camera settings and functionalities
Exploring composition techniques for captivating photos
Tips for capturing memorable moments

Memory Preservation Through Photography:
Organizing and managing digital photo collections
Creating photo albums and digital scrapbooks
Exploring storytelling through visual narratives

Effective Memory Sharing:
Utilizing social media and photo-sharing platforms
Sharing photos with family and friends
Exploring creative ways to share memories beyond traditional albums

This class will leave with a holiday surprise and a handout detailing photography basics, memory preservation techniques, and innovative ways to share your captured memories. Gain insights into mastering photography, organizing digital collections, and sharing cherished moments with your loved ones.

Join us for the first Techie Tuesday event at the Peninsula Senior Activity Center in Ocean Park. Learn how to stay safe online and avoid falling for social media scams. Lynn Westfall – The Modem Lisa – will share valuable tips and tricks to protect your personal information and navigate the digital world securely. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your online safety skills and connect with fellow tech enthusiasts. This is the first class of a new monthly offering at the center and this first class is completely free! Register to save your seat!

Each class after is $30 per class, unless you sign up for more than two classes, then each class is only $20!

In this first session, after you get to know your presenter and guide on this monthly tech journey, Lynn Westfall, The Modem Lisa, we’ll begin our 90 minute session covering the following:

Online Safety Basics:
Creating secure passwords
Identifying secure sites
Avoiding phishing scams
Using antivirus software
Recognizing shopping risks

Social Media Safety:
Privacy settings
Avoiding scams
Managing contacts/requests
Safe photo sharing

Identifying Scams:
Examples of common online scams
Red flags to watch out for
Safeguarding personal information
Reporting suspicious activity

You’ll leave with a packet of resources including terminology, tips, websites, contact lists, and scam examples to continue learning more and staying safe online and in social media interactions after the session concludes.

2/20/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Join us to discover how to write your life story, catalog cherished collections, and create lasting legacies using user-friendly digital tools. Explore the joy of preserving your memories and sharing your unique experiences with loved ones for generations to come.

Tell Your Tale:
Craft stories using user-friendly apps like StoryCorps and LifeTales.
Enhance narratives with your photos and videos.
Learn to create engaging tales effortlessly.

Capture Your Collections:
Organize your items using platforms like Google Photos.
Snap clear photos, add descriptions, and catalog easily.
Manage collections conveniently with user-friendly tools.

Preserve & Share Memories:
Safeguard your memories using backup methods.
Create family archives and scrapbooks easily.
Collaborate on lasting legacy projects with accessible sharing and preservation tools.

Take home a helpful guide filled with tips on using friendly apps for storytelling, organizing collections with ease using platforms like Google Photos, and preserving memories safely through straightforward backup methods. This handout will be your go-to resource for crafting engaging tales, managing your treasured items, and sharing your legacy effortlessly.

3/19/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Get ready to fortify your digital security! Join us in exploring foolproof password strategies and digital vault services to keep your information safe online with Lynn Westfall, The Modem Lisa, as your guide.

Password Management:
Creating robust and memorable passwords
Utilizing password managers for secure storage
Implementing two-factor authentication for added security

Digital Vault Services:
Exploring digital vault platforms for document storage
Managing sensitive digital information effectively
Understanding encryption for enhanced security

Ensuring Online Security:
Identifying and avoiding online scams
Importance of regular password updates
Safeguarding personal and financial information online

You’ll leave equipped with comprehensive resources including password management tips, recommended password manager apps, insights into digital vault services, and tips on recognizing online threats. Empower yourself to fortify your digital security and protect your information effectively.

4/16/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Prepare to become an online shopping pro! Join us to delve into navigating online stores, secure payment methods, and avoiding common shopping pitfalls.

Smart Shopping Navigation:
Identifying reputable online stores
Securing safe payment methods
Recognizing and avoiding scams and counterfeit products

Maximizing Your Experience:
Using price comparison tools effectively
Capitalizing on discounts and deals
Managing online purchases and hassle-free returns

Take home an exclusive guide featuring tips on safe online shopping, recommended secure payment methods, insights into recognizing online scams, and maximizing your shopping experience. Empower yourself to shop online with confidence and security!

5/21/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Prepare to step into the future fearlessly! In this session, we’ll dive into understanding artificial intelligence (AI) in everyday life, exploring its benefits, risks, and ethical considerations.

Understanding AI:
Explaining AI in simple terms
Showcasing real-world AI applications
Addressing common misconceptions and fears

Benefits and Considerations:
Discussing the advantages and positive impacts of AI
Exploring potential risks and ethical considerations
Embracing AI while understanding its limitations

Receive an informative handout packed with insights into AI’s real-world applications, its benefits, potential risks, ethical considerations, and strategies for embracing AI confidently in your daily life.

6/18/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Empower yourself to manage health data effectively! Join us to understand, secure, and take charge of crucial health information and devices vital for your well-being.

Understanding Health Data:
Explaining different types of health data sources and formats
Discussing the importance of accurate health records

Managing Personal Health Data:
Exploring methods to organize, secure, and integrate health data
Understanding privacy considerations and digital tools for management

Securing Health Devices (e.g., glucose monitors, activity and fall detection):
Implementing security measures for critical devices
Protecting data and ensuring device safety
Emphasizing regular updates and secure usage practices

Take home a comprehensive handout detailing strategies to understand, manage, and safeguard health data effectively, along with securing critical health devices like glucose monitors and hearing aids. Gain insights into organizing health information, maintaining privacy, and ensuring the security of essential health devices for better health management.

7/16/24 – Click Here to Register ($30)

Unlock the potential of your mobile device! Join us to explore tips and tricks for maximizing your smartphone or tablet, whether it’s an iPhone or an Android device from various manufacturers.

Device Optimization:
Exploring hidden features and shortcuts
Customizing settings for efficiency and ease of use
Maximizing battery life and device performance

Productivity and Organization:
Utilizing productivity apps for tasks and time management
Organizing files, photos, and contacts effectively
Syncing and backing up data securely

Mobile Security Best Practices:
Implementing security measures for device protection
Understanding app permissions and privacy settings
Backing up data and securing sensitive information

You’ll walk away with a comprehensive handout filled with tips and techniques to optimize both iPhone and Android device performance, enhance productivity, and bolster security. Explore hidden features, productivity apps, and security practices tailored for your smartphone or tablet, regardless of the manufacturer or operating system.